Wilderness Books

  • Wilderness
    As a prologue to an upcoming series, "Wilderness" explains how the character, Aaron Clark, lands himself alone, hungry, and thirsty in the unforgiving wilderness
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  • Hatchet
    Brian survives a plane crash and faces various challenges in the wild. He eventually finds the tail of the plane and gets rescued.
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  • Hatchet
    Brian, a 13-year-old boy, survives a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness. He learns survival skills and eventually gets rescued.
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  • Luke and Rue Go To The Taiga
    Luke and Rue go on a trip to the taiga, encounter a moose, and learn a lesson about being careful in the wilderness.
  • The True Story of Rapunzel
    A twist on the classic tale of Rapunzel, where she is taken by a witch, learns to escape her tower, and eventually ventures into the wild.
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  • Diary Of A Minecraft Creeper
    This is a diary of Jake Creep, a creeper attending Monster School. The story follows his daily life, interactions with classmates, and adventures in the Minecraft world. Trag…
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  • Calculus For Kids
    Bob, a Teddy Bear living in the wilderness, learns about calculus and how it can help calculate the area under a curve, using mountains as an example.
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  • Hachet
    Brian, a boy who crash-landed in the wilderness, learns survival skills and overcomes challenges until he is rescued.
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