William Of Orange Books

  • The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution, a bloodless war in 1688-1689, saw William of Orange and his wife Mary II overthrow King James II and become the rulers of England, Scotland, and Irel…
  • The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution in 1688 replaced King James II with William of Orange, due to religious differences and the desire for a Protestant ruler.
  • The Glorious Revolution 1688-1689
    The Glorious Revolution of 1688, also known as the English Revolution, was a bloodless transition of power from James II to William of Orange and Mary. It was a significant e…
  • My Dog River
    A child describes their French Bulldog named River, his appearance, activities, and their love for him.
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  • My Dog Bailey
    A young child describes their French Bulldog, Bailey, and all the funny and lovable things he does.
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  • On a Bicycle Built for Two
    A heartwarming story of a bike ride with a grandpa, exploring their town and creating lasting memories. The author shares personal anecdotes and pays tribute to her own grand…
  • The Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution, also known as the Bloodless Revolution, was a political and religious conflict in 1688-1689 that resulted in William of Orange becoming the King of E…
  • The Hero of the Dutch Revolt
    In the Netherlands, Prince William of Orange leads the Brave Dutch to fight against King Philip's unfair rules, uniting the people for freedom and kindness, ultimately becomi…
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