Workplaces Books

    A group of individuals introduce themselves and their professions, highlighting their roles and workplaces.
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  • Confusion in The Workplace
    A miscommunication between Mark and Jim leads to a negative situation, but they learn how to improve communication and resolve the issue.
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  • The Roblox Noob
    A Roblox noob named John faces a series of challenges, including a robbery at his workplace and getting fired, but ultimately finds a new job and continues to make money.
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    A brief overview of the FBI workplace, qualifications, and fun facts, with a personal statement about wanting the job.
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    This book introduces different jobs and workplaces in the travel, hospitality, catering, and entertainment industries.
  • Jobs and Workplaces
    Sarah and her class visit different workplaces to learn about jobs. They go to the hospital, fire station, and airport.
  • Science Club
    Samantha and Emily are best friends who love science. When Emily is told she can't be a scientist because she's a girl, Samantha helps her start a STEM club to fight gender i…
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  • HealthCare Careers
    An informational book about different healthcare careers, skills needed, workplaces, emergency services, ethics, and safety practices.
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