My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Shin Sonic vs Shin Godzilla? Who are you betting on? This battle is going to be crazy, and I can't wait to find out who wins. Stay happy, readers, and keep coming back to see…
    by Wyatt Liu
  • Simon was on a mission so he evolved first to level 2 then fighted horror Durple and he also won and evolved to level 3 the he wanted to bite brud so he did but it did not go…
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • This book has a all the Sonic exes in the world but its a short book too my simplest book ever.
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • lil sis bro and me had an normal day when suddenly mom told us that where going to Las Vegas so we went on the trip saw catzilla and spend dads money and dad was a little mad…
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • This is about me bro lil sis dad and mom are going to Italy so they took the plane and they got to a nice hotel then on the first day they went and called an Uber and when to…
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • In Sonic World, a strange Sonic appears, and Tails offers him food. As chaos unfolds with Shin Sonic, the friends unite to gather Chaos Emeralds and become super to save thei…
    by Wyatt Liu
    Eye Icon 38

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