My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • The puppies were always happy... until the humans arrived!! What will they do?
    by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 78
    Star Icon 13
  • In a Roblox game, 999Puppyboy and friends encounter Herobrine, who hacks both Minecraft and Roblox. They are teleported into a portal.
    by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 390
    Star Icon 35
  • In a kingdom plagued by a monster, the king's wise advisers come up with a plan to defeat it using natural elements and a magical mirror.
    by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 41
    Star Icon 4
  • Ray, a regular person, becomes a ninja and saves the magic realm from darkness.
    by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 65
    Star Icon 4
  • by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 196
    Star Icon 14
  • In the city of Wolftopia, Gray wolves and Timber wolves were best friends until a car crash sparked a war. The story ends with a cliffhanger.
    by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 105
    Star Icon 16
  • In a puppy village, the puppies are arrested for no reason and have to escape. They return and defend their village against humans.
    by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 23
    Star Icon 5
  • A short story about puppies and different dog breeds, with a message about reading to dogs and choosing the right pet.
    by 999Puppyboy
    Eye Icon 39
    Star Icon 5

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