My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A donkey carries heavy bags of sugar but pretends to fall in a pond to make them lighter. The owner figures it out, and they both learn the value of hard work.
    by CreativeComposer
    Eye Icon 317
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  • Father's day is coming soon, read this book to your dad on their special day!
    by CreativeComposer
    Eye Icon 22
    Star Icon 1
  • Ya know those little things that are sort of like "dog cheeks"? Well this book is some knowledge about those cute, crazy things, and how you can read your dog's mind just by …
    by CreativeComposer
    Eye Icon 12
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  • AHHHH! OMG!! THE SKY IS FALLING EVERYONE!!! Here's a funny remix of Chicken Little, and not with the bad ending where they all die.
    by CreativeComposer
    Eye Icon 27

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