Book created collaboratively by members of eTwinning project Citius, Altius, Fortius 2, getting ready for Paris 2024.
It's getting updated until the end of the project.
Book made with some pieces of work by Portuguese students and their voice recordings. The 3 books have been read at the school library in collaboration with the EFL teachers. Loch Ness and The adventures of Tom Sawyer with 10-11 year-olds and A Taste of Murder with a group of 13-14-year-old pupils.
The map on the cover was created in a Google Maps session with the older ones together with the ICT teacher.
Bora Lá ! Ler e Escrever + , Projeto de recuperação das aprendizagens com turmas do 5.º, 6.º e 7.º ano em articulação com os professores de Português, Educação Visual e EVT, Apoio Educativo, Cidadania, EV, EVT e Diretores de Turma.
Neste âmbito incluem-se as obras:conto africano 'Tartaruga com Asas'; 'Pó de Estrelas' ; 'Viúva e o Papagaio'; 'Contos Gregos' , Contos Tradicionais - A lebre e a Tartaruga, A Lenda do Machado, O Capuchinho Vermelho, O João Ratão, Os três patrões - com as turmas 6I e 6H e pequena peça de teatro 'Natal' de David Mourão Ferreira com alunos da turma 6I
Books and Places is Back! This time Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus.
English, Geography, Physics and Chemistry, Classics, Natural Sciences, History, Art, Maths and Portuguese teachers of 4 different countries, 6 schools and 8 different groups are collaborating. This book will gather it all. Keep up with the news !!
Frames for Films is an eTwinning project which aimed at enhancing English writing, speaking and presentation skills through Cinema and Films from a variety of types. It meant to develop Visual and Media Literacy while discussing Films and Books.
Social, civic and cultural competences
were the grounds for developing XXI skills, particularly Communication and collaborative work.
The story is about different recipes from various countries, including Adana kebab, vegetable soufflé, bulgur pilaf with meat, zucchini dessert, kısır, rice yogurt soup, and Analı Kızlı meatballs.