A little book made in February! Giving the community some knowledge of what I learned in December 2019! Sequoyah was 1 of 5 historic figures we are learning about! He helped the Cherokee tribe by making a syllabury! As half Cherokee, ᏔᎯᎠᎾᎸ ᏯᎣᎤ, ᏍᎡᎪᎤᎣᏯᎠᎯ ᎩᎣᏛ ᏔᎯᎡ ᏍᏯᎵᎵᎠᎨᎤᏛᏯᎱ ᎣᏍᏔᎠᎵᎡᎯᎡᎦᎠᎱ
This is the Japanese version of my future book, The Mysterious Sound! If you need help reading go to Google Translate by typing, www.translate.google.com and copy the words from the book and paste it the setting of Japanese >>> English!