My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A mysterious man arrives in a dull kingdom and brings color and nourishment before disappearing.
    by Estrella99
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  • A Kingdom's King falls ill, and a wise man advises sending brave men to find a flower. They bring back the wrong one, and the King dies.
    by Estrella99
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  • A mysterious king in a rich kingdom summons an ordinary man, making him famous and attracting the attention of other kingdoms.
    by Estrella99
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  • Princess Amethy's crown is stolen, and she must find it before she dies. The search takes her through dangerous forests and other towns.
    by Estrella99
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  • A kingdom is under the spell of opium, controlled by a witch. The king and people suffer, and they seek a cure.
    by Estrella99
    Eye Icon 9
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