My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Jessica, a lonely girl, faces challenges at school but finds a true friend in Karla. Together, they overcome obstacles and form a strong bond.
    by EvilHarman
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  • A story about a girl named Ellison and her complicated friendship with Karla, including school drama, a Halloween dance, and personal growth.
    by EvilHarman
  • A girl named Louis recounts her eventful Thanksgiving break, including a scary movie night, a surprise shopping trip, and a mysterious visitor.
    by EvilHarman
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  • A girl's summer vacation plans are ruined when her family goes to a terrible beach house, she gets lost in the woods, and encounters strange people. She eventually finds her way back home.
    by EvilHarman
  • Jessica Lamborts, a 9th grader, faces challenges with her family, school, and arch enemy Ellison McCoy.
    by EvilHarman
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