My Public / Unpublished Books (12)

  • The Deliver is about train crash at Batu Caves. It departs from Tanjong Malim station at 1:00 am and arriving Batu Caves at 9:00 am.
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • Buku kanak-kanak ini untuk budak 5-10 tahun.
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • Untuk buku cerita kanak-kanak 7-12 tahun
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • Adrian. It's me. I'm already 10 years old now. And my little sister name's Noura. She was 2 months old.
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • In the city of Abyssal, a giant dinosaur named Megasaurus threatens. Three owls and the king's minions unite to defend the city, leading to a fiery battle with fighter jets f…
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • Well, crabs are crabs and planes are planes.
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • Jack travels to San Francisco but faces chaos with his luggage and a giant crab at the hotel, leading to a wild adventure before returning home.
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • by Jellymouth0205
  • A family journey to Kuala Lumpur International Airport, filled with excitement and impatience as they board the plane and arrive in Sabah.
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • The kids learn archery as cities are saved from the Megasaurus. But the Giant Big T-Rex threatens again, leading to a battle with jets and bombs to save Yamahua and Abyssal c…
    by Jellymouth0205
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  • by Jellymouth0205
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  • The Silver Jubilee start operation at 1935 and retired at 1939.
    by Jellymouth0205
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