Mr. Money, a pirate, fights off other pirates with the help of gum. He wishes his friend Mac was there. The story ends with a teaser for the next book.
The pigs steal the eggs! Bomb was watching the eggs but because he didn't keep the eggs safe and the pigs stole them the other angry birds burn him in a fire. But then pigs a…
A cop who is also a playwright writes a play and casts Lego characters. The play is about Mr. Corn on the Cob and Mr. Pirate. Mr. Corn gets eaten by Mr. Pirate, and the play …
Mr. Money finds a family member. But they dont know thier brothers yet. In fact Mr. Moneys brother saved him from the sharks. Mr. Moneys brother is named "MAC"
The evil nerd master died in the last book. But now hes a ghost. What will Mr. Money do??? Will he have to stop the ghosts in the next book??? FIND OUT NOW!!!