My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • A princess and a shepherd fall in love but are forbidden to be together. They say goodbye and their tears create lakes.
    by Leonorvictorino
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  • by Leonorvictorino
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  • A description of various activities and events at a school, including projects, reading, meetings, field trips, and celebrations.
    by Leonorvictorino
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  • by Leonorvictorino
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  • A Muslim king falls in love with a northern princess and tries to make her feel at home in his sunny kingdom.
    by Leonorvictorino
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  • A forbidden love story in England leads to a couple's escape and subsequent hardships on an island.
    by Leonorvictorino
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  • In the 15th century, Portuguese sailors were scared of a giant in Africa. King João II wanted to explore beyond the cape. Bartolomeu Dias passed the cape and renamed it Cape …
    by Leonorvictorino
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  • Ulisses arrives at the Portuguese coast of Ophiusa, where he encounters snakes and plans to establish a city named Ulisseia.
    by Leonorvictorino
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