My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Wenn Dein Freiheitsengel fliegt und Dein kreatives Selbst frei fliesst durch dich als Du... können wahre Wunder geschehen. ox Tanya

    Lasse dieses Buch Dich ehren und Dein WAHRES SELBST befreien.Schwingungen werden buchstäblich Materie.

    Wohlstand in die Welt malen macht Spass.

    Gedichte und Bilder - alle Urheberrechte vorbehalten (c) Tanya von Zychlinsky
    by Tanya888
    Eye Icon 64
    Star Icon 3
  • When your Freedom Angel flies and your higher creative Self flows freely through you as you - watch WONDERS HAPPEN.

    Let this book adore you and set your TRUE SELF free.
    Vibrancy matters, literally.

    Poetry Powers Prosperity - Creating NEW Reality,

    ox Tanya

    Art and Poetry (c) by Tanya von Zychlinsky
    by Tanya888
    Eye Icon 48
  • Kwan, a wonder-seeking wave, has a big dream. She wants to be ONE with the Ocean. One day, she meets someone who can show her how. So, will she leave her friends to explore more? Will she pull it off in the end, and if so, how? Easy - or is it?

    Note from the author/artist:

    Hi there, I'm Tanya, what was really interesting was that while I was wondering what drawings or paintings I could create to support the story, I literally 'found myself' uploading some of my ocean photography and all of a sudden, the book 'assembled itself' and made so much sense, visuals and all. In fact, I was so immersed in 'The Flow', that the next time I looked at the clock, it was 4 a.m. in the morning. Thank you, StoryJump team for the 'deepwater' image.

    I feel happy about the outcome.
    Hope you'll enjoy it as much. ox Tanya
    by Tanya888
    Eye Icon 52
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