My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A day in the life of The Protogen Pod, a group of protogens exploring the world and learning valuable lessons. In this bundle of Short stories you will get a taste of The Pro…
    by The_Protogen_Pod
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  • The continuing story of our beloved Protogen characters in...The Protogen Pod: Unkown love. Join your friends Zio, Fera, and their new ideas of love as they discover the secr…
    by The_Protogen_Pod
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  • Zeke and Echo find themselves in a secluded place, where they confess their feelings for each other and decide to be more than friends.
    by The_Protogen_Pod
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  • A quick and sweet romance, "First Love" is a short story that follows two young protogens as they navigate their first experience with love and relationships. Full of humor a…
    by The_Protogen_Pod
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  • A group of four protogens, each with a unique personality, set off on an epic journey to find a place where they can finally call home. Along the way, they meet strange new f…
    by The_Protogen_Pod
    Eye Icon 38

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