My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • BB Hajrah, a caring old lady, leads a simple life filled with love and challenges, from cooking for the needy to preparing for her Quran test with her grandson.
    by USMA
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  • Tim who likes to travel is going to take you on a journey around the world.
    by USMA
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  • Are you scared of the dark? Learn how Ummehani overcame her fear of the dark.
    Based on a true story.
    by USMA
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  • Fatima, glued to screens, neglects her faith and studies. After failing a test, she reflects and changes, embracing Islamic classes and a healthier lifestyle during summer.
    by USMA
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  • In a land ruled by four Sultans, a letter warns of an impending invasion by three Queens. After a fierce battle, the Sultans emerge victorious and celebrate with their people.
    by USMA
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  • Mr. Halif, a lonely student, discovers friendship with Decor and embarks on an adventurous quest that tests their bond and leads to unexpected discoveries.
    by USMA
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