My Public / Unpublished Books (22)

  • Little Red Riding Hood is sent to deliver cookies to her sick granddad, but encounters a wolf who tricks her and eats her. However, she is saved in the end.
    by Year4KH
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  • by Year4KH
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  • by Year4KH
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  • A girl named Lilly, who lives alone, learns to take care of herself and makes new friends. She hides a secret love interest from her friend Amy.
    by Year4KH
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  • by Year4KH
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  • by Year4KH
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  • A little cat named Rose gets lost and finds her way back home.
    by Year4KH
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  • A cat named Fluffy loses his chickens but finds them with baby chicks. A person helps on the farm and they all live happily ever after.
    by Year4KH
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  • Daisy and Ellie's owner, Mr. Read, goes crazy when his daughter Jade arrives unexpectedly for a sleepover. They have dinner, play, and hear a strange noise.
    by Year4KH
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  • This book is about a cat the needs fish then everyone
    else's pet gets carried away and cops the cat but does
    something else
    by Year4KH
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  • In the town of Jack-vill, a ninja and his monster goons chase a feared robber. They work for the AVL and have caught 3,999 bad guys. The robbers plot to make the ninja join t…
    by Year4KH
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  • by Year4KH
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  • by Year4KH
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  • A boy named Jack tries to run away from his sheep farm in Germany but is caught by his dad. Later, he wakes up to find the sheep missing.
    by Year4KH
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  • A ghost named Smoky wants a friend and meets his best friend from High-Town.
    by Year4KH
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  • Spotty, a baby cheetah, encounters a dangerous dinosaur and is saved by a zoologist. He grows up, has cubs, and lives happily.
    by Year4KH
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  • A brief overview of World War II, focusing on the involvement of Britain, America, Germany, and Russia.
    by Year4KH
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  • This book is about a tiger that his family really cared for him even though they have lost him ever since he was a child.
    by Year4KH
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  • a shark that lived for 2 millons years
    by Year4KH
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