My Published Books (2)

  • A girl wishes for cookies to rain, reads a book about it, and follows the steps to make it happen.
    by Zoe S
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  • this book has two recipes 4 puzzles silly things and jokes.
    by Zoe S
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My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • I made this at school................ I made like 7 at school this year (2022) so expect some very short stories coming(: I wont be doing some cuz they are privet
    by Zoe S
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  • A short, somewhat disorganized story about a naughty cat and its interactions with the narrator.
    by Zoe S
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  • See how diffrent santa cat does things from santa claus! Includes travelling, in houses and at home!
    by Zoe S
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  • IT'S BLANK SO DON'T EVEN BOTHER seriously don't it's a waste of time.
    by Zoe S
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  • A book about a peacefull rainbow forest the last one left but what happends to the forest when a evil tiger and his friends come? I tried to make 100 pages but as you can see it didn't work out.): I tried my best on this, I am happy with it but there are so many flaws. Too many pointless characters, wierd names and many many more.
    by Zoe S
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  • A child writes a book called 'Woof Book' and becomes the king, but later faces consequences when it is revealed to be fake.
    by Zoe S
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  • A collection of math equations and a short poem about the fun of math.
    by Zoe S
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  • In Cat Land, various types of cats live peacefully. The lollipop cat and the lolly cat go on adventures, play games, and have a tea party.
    by Zoe S
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  • In Cat Land, various amazing cats live in peace. They play games, have fun at the playground, and eat meals together.
    by Zoe S
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  • This land is full of cats! From common to legendary. Everyday is fun!
    by Zoe S
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