My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A hungry dinosaur searches for prey in the forest and encounters other dinosaurs. It gets into a dangerous situation but is saved by the mother dinosaur.
    by Abhay Jain
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  • A curious child discovers a room full of surprises, including gold, puppies, and kittens. With the help of friends, they open an animal shelter called 'Pretty Paws'. The mora…
    by Abhay Jain
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  • A young boy dreams of going to the beach with his family, but it turns out to be just a dream. The moral is that dreams can bring happiness and fun.
    by Abhay Jain
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  • by Abhay Jain
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  • A king's jester amuses him, but when the jester's remarks displease the king, he goes on a hunting trip and drinks from a pond, causing his neck to hurt. The next day, he spe…
    by Abhay Jain
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  • A group of children find a mysterious object and sell it to a traveler, who then sells it to the king. The king's wise men discover it is not gold but corn. The traveler's pl…
    by Abhay Jain
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