My Published Books (3)

  • Abhi's Adventures is a book with 5 chapters and an appendix. This is the first book in the ABHI series, and it has a sequel. Look out for the next book, Abhi's Vacation on th…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Join Mrs. Carter on the bus!
    This is also my second book on StoryJumper!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Join Ms. Carol on the bus in my first book on StoryJumper!
    by Abhi Iyer
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My Public / Unpublished Books (33)

  • Sameeksha, Anika, and the narrator go on a beach trip and then plan to go to Disneyland, but Sameeksha breaks her leg and the trip is canceled.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Abhi's Vacation on the Highway is the 2nd book of the ABHI series! Read this book and look out for Abhi's First Snowman!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Abhi and Anika go on an adventurous trip around the world, visiting Canada and the USA. They end up back at Abhicity Airport.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Abhi takes a bus ride to school and discovers that several schools in the city have been demolished. He and the other students investigate and find a gas station and an ancie…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the sequel to Abhi's Adventures (the one from the ABHI series). It is longer and more fun; so...why don't you all read it? Hope you enjoy it! P.S. This book is not in…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is a book about buses from the BLUE BIRD company. This is also my 3rd book on StoryJumper!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Kahoot:
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the seventh book in the ABHI series. In this book, they go to the new Cartoon World amusement and water park and they meet princesses in the golf course! Look out for…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • These are some facts about me!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This book is basically "The Wheels on the Bus" but it is my version!
    Enjoy the adventure on the bus! 'All aboard, and off we go!'
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the tenth book in the ABHI series. In this book, Abhi and Anika take their scooters and go on a trail. When the trail ends, then they will take the sidewalk and a tax…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the ninth book in the ABHI series. In this book, Abhi goes on a shopping spree in his van so that he can fit all his stuff, and at the end, he gets tired. Look out fo…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the eighth book in the ABHI series. In this book, Abhi and Anika trick-or-treated through the city of Beachwood, during Halloween. Look out for Abhi's Shopping Spree!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Hey guys! What's up? It's me, Abhi. I came up with a new book since I recently watched the new popular movie called Frozen II. I built a bus model, but I wasn't able to show …
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • A boy and his brother get lost in a hotel, encountering various characters and floors along the way.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the fourth book in the ABHI series. Read this book so you can know what the new house is like!! Look out for The 77-Degree Day!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the sixth and shortest book in the ABHI series. In this book, they go trick or treating and they get approx. 90 candies total. Look out for A Fairytale Adventure with…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the third book in the ABHI series. If you go to page 5, I scanned the illustration. This book is a great book for reading in the winter. Enjoy the book and look out f…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Abhi and Mike take Bus 19 on a series of adventures, including driving through hills, snowy mountains, a jungle, and winning a race.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Anika's wish comes true when she sees a beautiful sunset with her wishing star.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Anika and I wrote a love book together! My name is not shown.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the fifth book in the ABHI series. This is an adventure book where three friends who are named Abhi, Anika and Sara. In the end of the book, the weather actually went…
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This book is for kids around the world who need to learn about lines. Look in the eBook or publish the book.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This informative book introduces different polygons and their corresponding number of sides, along with their Latin origins.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • In this book, Abhi gives his old BMW M550i and gets a new BMW 740i! Read this book NOW!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the book that I made after our Mexico trip over spring break!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is the longest bus book that I have written! This is for my little sister to give to her bus driver.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Abhi and Anika love adventures! Their mom came too. So if you'd like to join in, please do join in!!!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Abhi and the Giant Sea Monster is similar to Anika and the Popcorn Dragon! Abhi awaits for you to read the book!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • This is my school quadrilateral info book! The book number is 72684775!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • The Monster is a cool story where the king talks to the animals and the school bus stopped to save the kids from the monster!
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Anika chose to make this book and it takes place in Buttery Glen.
    by Abhi Iyer
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  • Abhi and Anika take an elevator trip in a tower. Abhi likes the 16th floor but they eventually go back home.
    by Abhi Iyer
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My Collection - "The Three Cousins series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Little Bear series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Ancient Rome" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Educational Books" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Pre-created Books" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Abhi's Elevator Trip" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Anika's Favorites" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Bus Series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "ABHI Series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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