My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A woman named Rhoda Brook becomes jealous when she hears that her employer, Farmer Lodge, is bringing his second wife to their farm. Rhoda's son spies on the new wife and describes her appearance to Rhoda. Rhoda has a dream about the new wife and accidentally harms her. The new wife seeks a cure for her withered arm and ends up using the blood of Rhoda's son, resulting in the new wife's death.
    by Taha Akçay
    Eye Icon 5
  • The story follows the lives of Prince William and Kate Middleton, from their childhood to their marriage and the birth of their children.
    by Taha Akçay
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  • The Swiss Family gets stranded on an island after their shipwreck. They build a treehouse, survive various challenges, and eventually get rescued.
    by Taha Akçay
    Eye Icon 12
  • Four friends stay in a hotel and talk about ghosts. One friend doesn't believe in ghosts but agrees to sleep in a haunted room. He has scary dreams and strange experiences. In the end, the real ghost appears.
    by Taha Akçay
    Eye Icon 156
  • by Taha Akçay
    Eye Icon 145
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