My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Dodgeball is a sport played by throwing balls at people in a square court. The goal is to be the last one to be hit with the ball.
    by Arzu Temel
    Eye Icon 183
  • Education plays an important role in the development of an individual and making him a knowledgeable citizen. It is the education that makes an individual self-reliant, helps…
    by Arzu Temel
    Eye Icon 158
    Star Icon 3
  • Kayra and Carla, two friends, explore the attractions and cuisine of Italy and Turkey. They visit Bologna, Samsun, Edremit, Servigliano, Falerone, Antakya, and Alanya.
    by Arzu Temel
    Eye Icon 79
  • Making and drawing comics about "School, my second home"
    Our collaborative Book
    by Arzu Temel
    Eye Icon 179
    Star Icon 4
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