My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A group of animals in the forest have a picnic, but forget to put out the fire. They work together to find new homes and teach people a lesson.
    by Beyza Ceylan
    Eye Icon 50
    Star Icon 2
  • A girl goes into the forest, meets talking animals, and becomes friends with them. She leaves but later decides to return.
    by Beyza Ceylan
    Eye Icon 32
  • A forest fire causes animals to seek help from villagers, who punish the culprits and restore the forest.
    by Beyza Ceylan
    Eye Icon 32
  • In the magical land of Fairytales, a virus disrupts school and playtime. A good-hearted fairy helps children find solutions to stay happy and healthy.
    by Beyza Ceylan
    Eye Icon 110

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