My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A story about global hunger and ways to address it, including not wasting food and growing your own vegetables.
    by Bianca Zylinski
  • Garry, a lonely fish in a fishbowl, meets another goldfish and they become best friends. The female goldfish lays eggs and they have a baby goldfish, bringing happiness to Ga…
    by Bianca Zylinski
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  • Lizzy and her friends, the Vet Detectives, solve a case of a missing dog. They investigate, find a hidden puppy, and rescue it. The culprits are arrested, and Lizzy keeps the…
    by Bianca Zylinski
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  • Jane, a girl from a small village, befriends a baby bird that grows up to be a Phoenix. They promise to keep each other's secrets and go on adventures together.
    by Bianca Zylinski
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  • A princess is trapped in a dungeon but is helped by a bird, rabbit, and fish to escape and reunite with her mother.
    by Bianca Zylinski
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