My Published Books (2)

My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • Stick insects are found in forests all around the world. They come in many colors and have antennas. They are classified as insects because they have 6 legs. They eat stems and leaves and are preyed upon by birds, rodents, and reptiles. They live for 3 ye
    by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 360
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  • A brief description of mountain gorillas, their habitat, classification, diet, predators, and a fun fact.
    by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 85
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  • A description of the bull shark's habitat, classification, diet, predators, and fun facts.
    by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 117
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  • A description of the pufferfish's habitat, appearance, diet, predators, and fun facts.
    by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 110
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  • by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 50
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  • A brief description of mountain lions, their habitat, diet, predators, and classification.
    by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 53
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  • A description of lions, their habitat, diet, predators, and fun facts.
    by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 283
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  • by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 47
  • A brief description of cheetahs, including their habitat, classification, diet, and fun fact.
    by Mrs. Kibler
    Eye Icon 293
    Star Icon 8

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