My Public / Unpublished Books (12)

  • A student reflects on the challenges of a group project and the importance of responsibility and collaboration.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • A student reflects on the challenges of managing academic requirements and the benefits of using a checklist.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • The narrator reflects on a conversation with their friend John, who is grieving the loss of his father. They offer support and emphasize the importance of being there for friends during difficult times.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • A student assistant receives a message about compensation but realizes it's a mistake. They choose honesty over keeping the extra money and reflect on the importance of honesty.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • by Bryan Monteves
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  • by Bryan Monteves
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  • A child narrates a story about their family's financial struggles during the pandemic and their determination to help.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • A story about loneliness, jealousy, self-reflection, and personal growth.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • The narrator reflects on their cat Joao and the lessons he taught them about caring for animals.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • The author, a student, reflects on the importance of family and giving back to parents.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • The narrator plans a small birthday celebration for their youngest sister despite financial difficulties.
    by Bryan Monteves
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  • The narrator decides to focus on themselves and cut off connections, but changes their mind when a friend reaches out for help.
    by Bryan Monteves
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