My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • INSECTES eTwinning Project
    Acrostic Poem
    by ftmftm
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  • A collection of short statements about the importance of nature and its impact on our lives, contributed by various students from different schools around the world.
    by ftmftm
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  • An acrostic poetry book created by three groups. The first group is called 'Learn Math', the second group is called 'eTwinning', and the third group created a poem using the word 'Great'. The book showcases teamwork and collaboration.
    by ftmftm
    Eye Icon 333
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  • Children should live in a green and clean world. Let's respect the earth and invite children to nature. Love and protect trees. Recycling is key for the beauty of nature. Study and stay close to nature. Green is the color of our nature and we must protect it. Roaming meadows with joy is what kids need. Encourage people to recycle. Respect nature to live happily.
    by ftmftm
    Eye Icon 407
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  • An acrostic poem by two teams of children expressing their love for art and the benefits it brings to them.
    by ftmftm
    Eye Icon 330
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