My Public / Unpublished Books (33)

  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i Guaraníme .
    by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 116
  • by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 139
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  • La Dama del Paso
    Irene Segovia de Villamayor
    Asunción Paraguay
    by Irene Segovia
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  • by Irene Segovia
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  • by Irene Segovia
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  • Irene Segovia de Villamayor
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Mba´éichapa!!!
    Che cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, ahai ko aranduka´i Teju Jagua rehegua jaikuaavemi haguâ guarani ñe´ê. Aguije
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka mbykymi guaraníme eñemoaranduve haguâ michimi...aguije mbo´ehára Irene Segovia de Villamayor
    by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 13
  • Che remimbo´épe ahai ko aranduka´i...tove toikuaave Guarani ha omosarambi opa tenda rupi
    Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor AGUIJE
    by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 67
  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai guaraníme ko aranduka´i mbo´ehao rehegua reipuru haguâ ne mbo´epýpe...aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 46
  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i Anita reikuaave haguâ porandu ha mbohovái ñomongeta rupive...aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i guaraníme ahayhúgui che Retâ ha che Ñe´ê Guarani...Ahai peême guarâ...aguije
    Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 13
  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, che Paraguái opyta América del Sur mbytetépe,ahayhúgui che Retâ ha che Ñe´ê Guarani ahai ko aranduka´i...aguije Mbo´…
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i Jasy Jatere rehegua ikatu haguâ emosarambi opa tenda rupi Guarani Rayhupápe...Aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i Ñe´êtemiandu rehegua
    Aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i Ñe´êtemiandu rehegua reipuru haguâ ha remosarambi avei opa mbo´ehaóre...Terehasa Porâite...Aguije
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i papapy rehegua jaikuaa haguâ papapy guaraníme...Aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i Plata Yvyguy rehegua opa tapichápe guarâ ohayhúva añete ñane Ñe´ê Guarani...Aguije
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahayhu Ñe´ê Guarani upévare ahai aranduka´i Luisô rehegua, aheja nde pópe emosarambi haguâ...Aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, mborayhu pópe ajapo aranduka´i opa tapicha oipuru haguâ opa ára imbo´epýpe...aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i papapy rehegua ahayhúgui che Ne´ê Guarani ha che Retâ Paraguái...Aguije
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i guaraníme ahayhúgui che Retâ Paraguái ha che Ñe´ê Guarani avei...Aguije
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, aiko Paraguáipe, ahayhúgui che ñe´ê ame´ê che aravo ajapo haguâ ko´â aranduka´i oipuru haguâ avei che rapicha oikotevêva imbo´ehaópe avei…
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor,che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i ikatu haguâ che remimbo´e omoñe´ê ha mbo´eharakuéra oipuru pe tekombo´épe avei...Aguije
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, aiko Paraguáipe ha ahayhúgui Che Retâ Paraguái ko hi´árape ahai petei aranduka´i che Retâ Paraguái ambojeroviávo ...Vy´apavê Che Retâ!!!A…
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai aranduka´i Jasykuéra rehegua ikatu haguáicha oipuru che remimbo´e ha mayma tapicha mbo´ehára ohayhúva añete ñan…
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ambo´e guarani, ahayhu che ñe´ê upévare ahai aranduka´i che remimbo´épe guarâ...aguije Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aiko Paraguáipe, ahai mbykymi che Retâ amombe´u haguâ oguerekoha heta mba´e porâita, aguije mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, aiko Paraguáipe, ahai mombe´urâ mbykymi che remimbo´ekuérape guarâ...Aguije Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Che cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, aiko Paraguáipe, ahai Malavisiô mitâme guarâ mombe´urâ mbykymi. Aguije remoñe´êre che rembiapo, aguije.
    Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che aranduka mymba ombo´e mitame iñaranduve hagua. Aguije
    by Irene Segovia
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  • Che cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, aiko Paraguáipe, ahayhu che ñe´ê Guarani, pévare ahai che remimbo´épe ko aranduka guaraníme, aguije
    Mbo´ehára Irene
    by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 289
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  • Cheréra Irene Segovia de Villamayor, che Paraguaya, ambo´e ASA PE Paraguaýpe...Ambo´e Guarani ha ahayhu che ñe´ê.Che aiko Paraguáipe
    by Irene Segovia
    Eye Icon 95
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