My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Freddy, a mule, feels out of place on the farm and dreams of learning to jump. He realizes he must take matters into his own hands.
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  • Frederick the lazy mule is hired out to Mr. Covey, a strict farmer. After a tough week, Frederick rebels but is eventually tamed and sent back.
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  • Freddy, a mule tired of being told he couldn't jump, runs away with his friends to Northern farms where they can. He changes his name to Douglass and becomes an advocate for …
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  • Fred, a mule, dreams of becoming a hurdler like Hugh Auld. Sophia, Hugh's wife and former hurdler, teaches Fred to hurdle. Despite Hugh's disapproval, Fred pursues his dream.
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  • Freddy the mule teaches a group of skeptical donkeys how to hurdle, setting goals and inspiring them to succeed.
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