My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • This is a comprehensive historical account of the United States from 1815-1840, covering topics such as national identity, foreign relations, the Age of Jackson, Indian removal, and states' rights. It provides detailed insights into key events, figures, and policies.
    by kmr5677
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  • A historical fiction story about the creation and challenges of the United States, focusing on the Articles of Confederation and the transition to the Constitution.
    by kmr5677
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  • A brief overview of key events in American history, including George Washington's cabinet, political parties, the French Revolution, and the XYZ affair.
    by kmr5677
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  • A historical account of the French and Indian War, including battles, alliances, and the eventual British victory.
    by kmr5677
  • The Boston Massacre, a violent incident in 1770, resulted in the death of five people. The tension between British troops and American colonists led to this event.
    by kmr5677
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  • A brief overview of key events during the American Revolutionary War, including the Declaration of Independence, British capture of New York, the turning point at Saratoga, Valley Forge, and the Battle of Cowpens.
    by kmr5677
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