My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Captain Logan, a friendly girl pirate, hides her treasure on Wolves Island. Captain Peg Leg tries to steal it, but Logan beats him and gives the treasure to an orphanage.
    by Lexus Isabell
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  • Anastasia, a former princess, and her family escape from the Bolsheviks with the help of a magic doll and a guard named Zash.
    by Lexus Isabell
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  • Leander and Hero fall in love but face obstacles. Leander drowns trying to reach Hero during a storm, and she kills herself. A tragic love story.
    by Lexus Isabell
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  • This is a Children's book of a puppy getting out and his owner trying to find him. It's in Spanish because it is an assignment.
    by Lexus Isabell
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