My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • Soda Man desicres himself with S words.
    by losietosie
    Eye Icon 9
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  • The scenes finder has a(n) error so this could not get finished. Finish it for me (If you know about reading, liking, commenting, remixing, and finding books.).
    by losietosie
    Eye Icon 5
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  • I forgot the title. It's "Learning About Story Jumper's Story Maker". Remix it to learn!
    by losietosie
    Eye Icon 10
  • The book is about lots of animals, some eyes, and a Q, and a marshmellow on a magic carpet. They fall right off at the end. I wonder what'll be next...
    by losietosie
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  • Everyone is back to normal! Kind of sad because it's the last part.
    by losietosie
    Eye Icon 4
  • Everything is fixed! Now the guy turns into a duck. Then he's back to normal the next day. What happens next? Look for part 3!
    by losietosie
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  • It's a guy that turns to big then small... What happened next? Tune in for the 2cd part!
    by losietosie
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  • Weird stuff!
    by losietosie
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  • A picture book for all ages!
    by losietosie
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  • This is a book where a callapillter turns into a butterfly!
    by losietosie
    Eye Icon 10

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