My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Cora, a seahorse, embarks on a journey to find her son Spike, who gets swept away by dumped oil. With the help of Cleo the starfish and Freddie the turtle, they clean up the …
    by Kim Malzone
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  • Driller, a young woodpecker, must overcome his faults and seek help to save his home from the destructive emerald ash borers.
    by Kim Malzone
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  • Sami Boi, a fish, is motivated to clean a toxic river after his brother's death. With the help of his friends, he fights against toxins and educates humans about the issue.
    by Kim Malzone
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  • by Kim Malzone
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  • Three aquatic friends, a turtle named Harry and two fish named Ace and Comet, discover the harmful effects of plastic pollution in Lake Michigan and work together to stop it.
    by Kim Malzone
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  • Bubbles, a fish, wakes up to find his home polluted. With the help of a boy, he teaches his family about the importance of keeping the environment clean.
    by Kim Malzone
    Eye Icon 33
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