My Public / Unpublished Books (12)

  • A collection of short descriptions about different herbs and their uses, accompanied by activities and recipes related to each herb.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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    by Cecilia Cantizano
    Eye Icon 164
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  • A collection of recipes and ideas for transforming leftover food into new dishes, shared by various schools around the world.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • A collection of short stories about environmental issues and the importance of protecting our oceans, forests, and animals.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • A collection of short biographies about influential women in science and technology, including Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Mae Jemison, Ada Lovelace, and Rosalind Franklin.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • A group of fishermen face challenges at sea, losing their catch and getting wet, but continue fishing.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • A chaotic day unfolds as a family deals with mischievous children, jealousy, and accidents.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • Two kings find a treasure map and go on an adventure to find a magical glass sphere. They see a vision of a disaster and a girl finds a secret passage.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • A story about a market where different people sell their products, but it ends with the market being destroyed and a new house being built.
    by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • by Cecilia Cantizano
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  • Created by children from 2nd Pre-Primary Ierapetra School in Greece with CEIP Juan del Río Ayala in Spain for eTwinning project "Before&After" as Colorful Songs Erasmus+ …
    by Cecilia Cantizano
    Eye Icon 70
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