My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Fire And Bear were both together and bear owned fire And Always toke fire were ever he goes.But One day Bear LEFT Fire And He was hungry,so when man heard a weak cry for help,So man fed him what he needed(Logs,Dry Twigs,And Branches) so when the bear came back what do you think Fire will feel
    by s27820382
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  • This Is a educational book that children will love!this age for children that's 1-5 and you can follow us on twitter @educationalBookForKids. and you can order here on storyjumper or our twitter so have fun and when we create a book we can recently upload it and you can also follow us on youtube Educationalbookforkids so have fun see you soon
    by s27820382
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  • this book is a nonfiction book and
    by s27820382
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