My Public / Unpublished Books (15)

  • An introduction to Finland, its geography, capital city, and popular tourist attractions.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 59
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  • A brief description of how Easter is celebrated in the United Kingdom, including traditions, symbols, and games.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 65
  • by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 268
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  • by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 108
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  • An introduction to Easter traditions in the Czech Republic, including egg decorating, whipping with pussywillow twigs, and the days leading up to Easter Sunday.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 9
  • Children from different countries give clues about their countries. Can you guess where they are from? Have fun!
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 398
    Star Icon 9
  • The story explores different Easter traditions in various countries, including breakfast, egg hunts, and cultural practices.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 44
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  • A brief introduction to Ireland and its Easter traditions, including Lent, hot cross buns, Easter gardens, church visits, egg decorating, and special dinners.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 37
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  • A brief introduction to Sweden, its capital city, and Easter traditions, including egg painting, dressing up as witches, and traditional food.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 39
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  • by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 11
  • This book explores the unique Easter traditions in Switzerland, including decorating eggs, making Easter trees, and playing Zwanzgerle. It also discusses the significance of chocolate and colorful bunnies in Swiss celebrations.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 69
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  • A description of the Holy Week and Easter traditions in Poland, Britain, Spain, and other countries.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 5
  • A brief overview of Easter traditions and symbols in different countries, including Poland, Great Britain, and Greece.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 31
  • Magdalena Mrzygłód, SP 27 Bielsko-Biała
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 35
  • An alphabetical list of words and their meanings related to Easter and its traditions.
    by SP9 Dzierzoniow
    Eye Icon 38
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