My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A boy overcomes his fear of the dark when he befriends a monster living in his wardrobe and learns to embrace the unknown.
    by tatianadigar
    Eye Icon 289
  • An old man plants a fig tree and lives to enjoy its fruit, impressing the emperor. A crafty woman's attempt to replicate his success backfires.
    by tatianadigar
    Eye Icon 36
  • Dimpi and her mother mistake paper plates thrown out of the window for flying saucers, leading to a humorous realization.
    by tatianadigar
    Eye Icon 108
    Star Icon 3
  • Jamie Lynne plans to have her birthday party at a restaurant called FUNTIME, but an accident forces her to change plans. With the help of her parents and BUBBLES THE CLOWN, s…
    by tatianadigar
    Eye Icon 34
    Star Icon 1
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