My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A brief explanation of how worker bees collect nectar, turn it into honey, and how honey is used.
    by Kamilakowalska Kamilakowalska
    Eye Icon 255
  • Daria, a girl from Poland, fulfills her dream of traveling the world. She encounters new friends, dangerous places, and beautiful sights.
    by Kamilakowalska Kamilakowalska
    Eye Icon 21
  • A brief introduction to various aspects of Polish culture, including music, computer games, food, sports, famous climbers, landscape, and history.
    by Kamilakowalska Kamilakowalska
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  • A person describes their home area in the Beskidy mountains, highlighting its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and need for preservation.
    by Kamilakowalska Kamilakowalska
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  • by Kamilakowalska Kamilakowalska
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  • The Chronicles of Wieprz is a story about Qman, his dog Faficek, and their battle against the Rudeman who turned people into narwhals.
    by Kamilakowalska Kamilakowalska
    Eye Icon 11
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