My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A brief guide on internet safety, including tips on installing antivirus software, not sharing personal data, reacting to uncomfortable situations, computer ergonomics, and c…
    by tpe4school
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  • A description of the popular coasts in Athens, including their accessibility and cleanliness. Mentions the growing popularity of the southeast coast and highlights Sounio as …
    by tpe4school
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  • A description of two traditional Greek games: 'Where is the ring?' and 'Blindfold'. The games involve hiding a ring and blindfolding a child to guess who caught them.
    by tpe4school
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  • A girl meets a boy from the future who needs help discovering traditional food. They discuss Greek salad, calamari, moussaka, and gemista.
    by tpe4school
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  • by tpe4school
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