My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Glora asks her mother for a story and hears about a girl named Sara who learns the importance of brushing her teeth.
    by Zachary Warmke
    Eye Icon 67
  • Bob and Johnson, best friends, get split into different basketball teams. An evil spirit possesses Bob, causing a fight. They have the same dream, choose friendship, and defe…
    by Zachary Warmke
    Eye Icon 25
    Star Icon 1
  • A basketball team named Venom struggles with arguing and blaming each other, but eventually learns to work together and improve.
    by Zachary Warmke
    Eye Icon 116
  • A turtle named Green dreams of flying and seeks help from various animals. He eventually helps the eagle retrieve stolen gold coins and becomes friends with all the animals.
    by Zachary Warmke
    Eye Icon 62
    Star Icon 1
  • Tornadio, a dirty and destructive boy, drives his parents away with his behavior. He cleans up and changes, leading to a happy reunion.
    by Zachary Warmke
    Eye Icon 78
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