In the book our mascots travel in the past with a time machine and meet with extinct aimals. Tuğba - Şehit Cafer Primary School
They talk to them and learn where they lived, what they ate and why they became extinct. - Ania K,, Cherkasy Collegium "Berehynia, Ukraine
Then they travel to future to see how the world will look like. - Marika Di Gennaro, Gianni Rodari,2H
Seeing the world in a very isolated and hopeless place they turn back to nowadays and decide to do something for the future world. - Vania D., Cherkasy Collegium "Berehynia", Ukraine

It was an ordinary day at school. The children
were excited for their science class
in the new lab.

Children I have great news for you! This is our time machine. We will be able to travel in time and learn more about the past!

Wow ! That 's amazing!


Great !

by İdris ,Şehit Doğan Sevinç Secondary School

Let's go to past!

Yes, let's! do it

It is break time
children !
May be next lesson !

Children were so excited with this new invention that they went near it started touching it. Suddenly the door opened!

And they all went inside
and the door closed.

Wow it is
Here there
are tools!

They pressed one of the buttons and all of a sudden they moved with a loud noise!

We moved !
Yes, we are
going !

After a while they landed on the ground. They were all amazed and were looking around with wondering eyes.

past scene-Selinay Şehit Cafer Primary School

There were some kind of birds walking around. They decided to talk to them.
Şehit Doğan Sevinç Secondary School
Bilge Yılmaztekin

by Muzaffer, Şehit Doğan Sevinç Secondary School

Hello ! We came here with time machine! Can you help us please!
Where are we ? Which year is this ? Who are you?
we can!

I am Dodo bird and we live here in Mauritius Island. We are in 17th century.
Oh ! That is so strange ! We are coming from the year 2021. But I don't remember you in my time!

That is normal because we were left only a few because of overhunting and will become extinct at the end of 17th century.
Oh ! I am sorry to hear that! Can you give us more information about your specie!

We are a type of bird. We are 1m tall and 20 kg. We eat fruit and live in Mauritius Island. Ah one more thing we are bird but we cannot fly.
It is nice to meet and learn about your specie. Thank you Dodo Bird!

Feeling upset for the Dodo Birds they went inside the machine and went to another time.
Școala Gimnazială Hărău, România

Ce pădure frumoasă!
What a beautiful forest!

Am găsit o baltă. I found a puddle.
Să ramânem aici. Poate voi găsi niște bambus.
Let's stay here. Maybe I'll find some bamboo.
Noi o să explorăm locul. Nu ne vom îndepărta prea mult.
We'll explore the place. We won't go too far.

Îi cunoști? Ce uriași?
You know them? How huge?
Am citit despre voi într-o enciclopedie.
I read about you in an encyclopedia.
Suntem zimbri. Noi trăim în această pădure. Suntem mari, dar mâncâm doar ierburi. Oamenii ne vânează. Așa turma noastră s-a micșorat. Nu știm cât timp vom mai supravețui în pădurile României.
We are bison. We live in this forest. We are big, but we only eat herbs. People are hunting us. That's how our herd got smaller. I didn't know how long we would survive in the forests of Romania.

Prietenii noștri au mers să vadă împrejurimile. Apoi vom pleca.
Our friends went to see the surroundings. Then we'll leave.
Noi călătorim.
We travel.
Ne bucurăm că ați aflat povestea noastră. Voi ce faceți în pădure?
We're glad you found out our story. What are you doing in the woods?

Cine erau uriașii aceeia? Who were those giants?
Să plecăm prieteni! Vă vom povesti pe drum despre zimbrii.
Let's go friends! We'll tell you about bison on the way.

Anna Rita Pedini, I.C.Arcevia Italy

From above we saw some strange zebras so we decided to stop and find out who they were!

by İdris, Şehit Doğan Sevinç Secondary School

Hello! We are here with the time machine! And we saw you from above and you hit us! Who are you? What year are we in? Where am I?
Hi, you are in 1800, in South Africa and I am a QUAGGA!

We are from Europe and we live in 2021! You look a lot like the zebra, but in our time we have never seen you!
I belong to the subspecies of the zebras, but I have black stripes only on the front of the body. The posterior portion, finally, was entirely brown.

It is normal that I do not My race died out in 1887!


Being an easy animal to hunt, we were preyed upon by the first Dutch settlers and then by the Afrikaners, for both meat and skin.

Oh I'm very sorry! Thanks for the tip, it was really interesting to meet you!

Hey! Where
are we?
I don't know!
Shhh!Be quiet!
I can hear

Oh, very interesting.
We came here with time machine.What year is it?
Hello! Welcome to Pinta Island! It's been many years since I haven't seen someone!
Suddenly a huge tortoise appeared

It's 1981. My name is Lonsome George. People brought me here.
Lonsome. But why are you alone?Why did they bring you here?

by Gül, Şehit Doğan Sevinç Secondary School

Because I am the last member of my species. I lost my whole family.

Ohh my friend. We are so sorry to hear that.

What happened to your family?

We were living in Galapagos Island together.Then sailors and whalers came in 17th century and began hunting us for our meat!
I hid in the woods untill 1971.Then mankind found and brought me here. Now I am Pinta Island Tortoise and there won't be any when I die..

This is so sad. I couldn't imagine human can be this bad. Take care, friend!
It was nice to meet you come again!
Bye, Lonsome George!
See you!

They went inside the machine and went to another time.

They landed to an unknown place.
"Școala Gimnazială "Lucian Grigorescu", Medgidia, Romania

Hey guys! Where do you think we are? What year are we in?
Mmm….I have no idea…But look! There is something moving behind those trees over there!

Hello up there! Can you please help us?? Where are we, what year is it and who are you?

Hello! Of course I can! We are 66 million years ago, you are in Jurassic and I am the biggest sauropod, more exactly a brachiosaurus. We are the biggest creatures from the start to the end of the world, the one and only brachiosaurus. We are 40 m long and weigh 30 or 40 tones / 3000 or 4000 kg.

I am the biggest sauropod. I am not carnivorous, I am omnivorous. Let me tell you something about our species!

* We were around millions of years ago and became extinct around 66 million years ago.
* We were around in the Mesozoic Era or “The Age of Dinosaurs”. During this era, there were 3 different periods: the triassic, jurassic and creaceous periods.
* We were more than 700 species, some were carnivores and others were herbivores
* Dinosaurs lived on all continents.
* The word dinosaur: ‘Dino’ comes from the Greek word ‘deinos’ which means terrible.
‘Saurus’ comes from the Greek word ‘sauros’ which means lizard.
* Lizards, turtles, snakes and crocodiles all descend from dinosaurs.
* An astroid hit and we became extinct.

That’s cool, I think it’s about to go back in other time. It was so cool to learn about your species. Thank you, brachiosaurus!

You’re welcome! Nice to meet you!

After seeing past they decide to travel to future 2050!

I.C. Arcevia Italy Pedini Anna Rita

Looking through the porthole we were speechless! No animals .... No vegetation .... Will there be humans?

Friends is terrible! Here there are no animals, no plants, no flowers ... come ... let's go and see if there are any people!

Hello! We are looking for humans. Do you know where we can find them?

I'm sorry, but due to pollution and little respect for the planet Earth, there are no more humans but we are just robots!
We just have to make a pact! Man-Robot to prevent all this from !happening!

Come on, friends! We bring this important message to the present!

Now shall we go to the future 3100, too! I really wonder !
Yes, me too! Let's go!
- Full access to our public library
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In the book our mascots travel in the past with a time machine and meet with extinct aimals. Tuğba - Şehit Cafer Primary School
They talk to them and learn where they lived, what they ate and why they became extinct. - Ania K,, Cherkasy Collegium "Berehynia, Ukraine
Then they travel to future to see how the world will look like. - Marika Di Gennaro, Gianni Rodari,2H
Seeing the world in a very isolated and hopeless place they turn back to nowadays and decide to do something for the future world. - Vania D., Cherkasy Collegium "Berehynia", Ukraine

It was an ordinary day at school. The children
were excited for their science class
in the new lab.

Children I have great news for you! This is our time machine. We will be able to travel in time and learn more about the past!

Wow ! That 's amazing!


Great !

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