My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • Mr. Jerry, an ordinary man, becomes a detective after a painting is stolen. He follows clues to different museums in Turkey.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • Mrs. Right takes her students on a boat trip to TwinLand. Along the way, they encounter various situations that teach them important values like saving trees, honesty, respec…
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • Children from different countries share their homework on the topic of respect, discussing cultural practices and traditions.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • Three sisters go on an Easter egg hunt and encounter a mystery. They find a key and meet a talking rabbit who explains his actions.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • Mr. Brown has a usual day but loses his wallet on the way to work. A boy finds it and returns it, and they have a drink together.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
  • The Dream family goes on a holiday and ends up in a mysterious land called Col-ture Land, where they learn about different cultures. They then travel to Romania and Greece, e…
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • Children travel in a time machine and meet different animals from the past and future. They learn about extinct species and the importance of protecting nature.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • A group of students and their teacher create a Pyramid of Fruit, using different fruits to represent different meanings.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • Jack finds a comic strip about sports. The book explains the benefits of different sports and encourages Jack to go out and play.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • The Browns visit their grandparents and share their travel experiences in Turkey, Serbia, Ukraine, and Poland, including landmarks, food, and souvenirs.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • Children share their experiences and memories of their summer holidays, visiting different places in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, and Greece. They explore hist…
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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  • A list of actions to combat global warming is presented, emphasizing the importance of individual choices and collective effort.
    by Bilge Yılmaztekin
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My Collection - "The Stolen Necklace" Follow Collection

  • The Stolen Necklace Where is the necklace?
    by berna1
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