Dear children,
you have a homework for this weekend.I want you to search for endangered animals and find information about them.You can search from the Net, go to the library or even ask your grandparents. Later we will combine all information you found and form an e-book.

Now, the weekend is over and all students are at school. They are very excited to present their researches.

Did you do your homework about endangered animals?
Yes, teacher!
Yes, Mrs. Green!

That is great ! Let's start with you Pandi then !
I searched for Red Panda from the Net, Mrs. Green. May I start first?

Red panda
Şehit Doğan Sevinç Secondary School, Turkey


The red panda is a mammal species native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. It is listed as Endangered because the wild population is estimated at fewer than 10,000 mature individuals and continues to decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression.

The red panda has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail. It is roughly the size of a domestic cat, though with a longer body.

The belly and limbs are black, and there are white markings on the side of the head and above its small eyes. Red pandas are very skillful and acrobatic animals that predominantly stay in trees.

They are shy and solitary. Females give birth in the spring and summer, typically to one to four young. Young red pandas remain in their nests for about 90 days, during which time their mother cares for them.

I also took some notes
about Red Panda

My Homework - Red Panda
Where do red pandas live?
Red pandas live in the Eastern Himalayas and South-western China.
How big are red pandas?
Red pandas are roughly the size of a large domestic cat.
What do red pandas eat?
The red panda diet is 97% bamboo and they occasionally eat small mammals, eggs and flowers.

When are red pandas most active?
Mainly at night and they tend to look for food at dawn and at dusk.
How long do red pandas live?
Up to 15 years.
How fast can a red panda run?
Red pandas can run up to 24 mph (38 km/h) on short distances.

Why are red pandas endangered?
Red pandas are endangered mainly because of their natural habitat being destroyed and also due to them being hunted.
What is the current population of the red panda?
10,000 individuals
The red panda population is currently estimated to be at 10,000 individuals.

Thank you Pandi!
It was wonderful

I searched for Key Deer! May I tell Mrs. Green?
Yes, of course Boncuk.

Key Deer
Şehit Cafer Primary School Germencik, Aydın/Turkey

Key Deer is an endangered deer.Key Deer is the smallest subspecies of the white-tailed deer.

The deer is a reddish-brown to grey-brown in color. Antlers are grown by males and shed between February and March and regrown by June.

When the antlers are growing, they have a white velvet coating. This deer can be recognized by its characteristic size,
smaller than all other white-tailed deer.

Key deer were hunted as a food supply by native tribes, passing sailors, and early settlers. Hunting them was banned in 1939.

Mrs.Green the subspecies were to plummet to near-extinction by the 1950s.

Recent population estimates put the population between 700 and 800, putting it on the list of endangered species.

Mrs. Green here is my homework notes about Key Deer!

My homework-Key Deer
Where do Key Deer live?
Key deer inhabit nearly all habitats within their range, including pine rocklands, hardwood hammocks, mangroves, and freshwater wetlands.
How big are they?
Adult males usually weigh 25–34 kg and stand about 76 cm tall at the shoulder. Adult females usually weigh between 20 and 29 kg and have an average height of 66 cm at the shoulders.
What do they eat?
The species feeds on over 150 types of plants, but mangroves (red, white, and black) and thatch palm berries make up the most important parts of their diets.
Why are they endangered?
They are hunted mostly.Also especially at night when the deer are more active, motor vehicle collisions causes their loss. Besides these human interactions with deer such as illegal feeding have conditioned many deer to approach humans, leading to unhealthy conditions.

Cherkasy Collegium "Berehynia", Ukraine

White/Snowy Owl

The snowy owl is mostly white. They are purer white than predatory mammals like polar bears and Arctic fox. Often when seen in the field, these owls can resemble a pale rock or a lump of snow on the ground.

Snowy owls may be active to some extent at both day, from dawn to dusk, and night. Snowy owls have been seen to be active even during the very brief winter daytime in the northern winter.

The snowy owl has bright yellow eyes. The head is relatively small and even for the relatively simply adapted hearing mechanism of a Bubo owl, the facial disc is shallow and the ear is uncomplicated.

The snowy owl is a nomadic bird, rarely breeding at the same locations or with the same mates on an annual basis and often not breeding at all if prey is unavailable. A largely migratoey bird, snowy owls can wander almost anywhere close to the Arctic, sometimes unpredictably irrupting to the south in large numbers.

During the wintering, many snowy owls leave the dark Arctic to migrate to regions further south.

The snowy owl , also known as the polar owl, the white owl and the Arctic owl, is a large, white owl of the true owl family. Snowy owls are native to the Arctic regions of both North America and the Palearctic, breeding mostly on the tundra.

The snowy owl is a very large owl. They are the largest avian predator of the Arctic and one of the largest owls in the world. Snowy owls are about the sixth or seventh heaviest living owl on average, around the fifth longest and perhaps the third longest winged.
This species is the heaviest and longest winged owl (as well as the second longest) in North America, the second heaviest and longest winged owl in Europe (and third longest) but is outsized in bulk by about 3 to 4 other species in Asia.

Hello! My name is Blueish or Albăstrel.

Hello! My name is Encyclopedia. Nice to meet you.

Școala Gimnazială Hărău, România,
Iacob Tatiana

How can I help you?
I'm looking for information about endangered animals.

I have a lot of pages about them.
I heard the children talking about zimbru( bison).

(Bison bonasus)
In the past, Bizon lived in the forests of Romania
The bison is a herd animal that has disappeared from the wild. This bison can be seen in the Hațeg-Slivuț reservation from Romania.

It is the largest terrestrial mammal in Europe, weighing up to 1000 kilograms.
Bison spend all day chewing grass or hay.

Although the main food source of bison is grass, an important part of its diet is the consumption of shrubs or thorns Bison eat up to 60 kilograms of food a day.

Bison have horns and use them in combat.
Bison avoid areas with high humidity and low water resources.
In winter, the snow pushes the bison towards the valleys, where they can dig up food with their hooves. Bison prefer deciduous or mixed forests, not coniferous.

I.C. Arcevia Italy


A short cartoon to discover the world of bees!

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Dear children,
you have a homework for this weekend.I want you to search for endangered animals and find information about them.You can search from the Net, go to the library or even ask your grandparents. Later we will combine all information you found and form an e-book.

Now, the weekend is over and all students are at school. They are very excited to present their researches.

Did you do your homework about endangered animals?
Yes, teacher!
Yes, Mrs. Green!

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