Written by İremnur A.
(6th Grade, Ali Tekinsoy Ortaokulu)
Narrated by Gülnihal K.
(7th Grade, Emirmusa Ortaokulu, Samsun/Türkiye)
Illustrated by
Languages: Turkish, English
Teacher in Charge: Ahmet Arslan

Ayça lived with her mother Nurgül, her father Cemil and her brother Eren in an eye-catching tinny house. It has a garden too. Ayça was very beautiful, clever, and a curvaceous girl. She read her books whenever she had free time, and when she read, she loved dreaming about the stories.
Ayça; annesi Nurgül Hanım, babası Cemil Bey ve kardeşi Eren ile beraber şirin, küçük ve bahçeli bir evde oturuyordu. Ayça çok güzel, akıllı ve biraz da kilolu bir kızdı. Ne zaman boş kalsa kitap okur, okurken hayaller kurmayı ise çok severdi.
She decided to read a book called “Charlie’s Chocolate Factory” and began reading it with great curiosity. She was reading the episode in which Charlie toured Mr. Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, and Charlie experienced some very strange things.
Eline “Charlie’nin Çikolata Fabrikası” isimli kitabı aldı ve büyük bir merakla okumaya başladı. Charlie’nin Bay Willy Wonka’nın çikolata fabrikasını gezdiği bölümü okuyordu ve Charlie çok garip şeylerle karşılaşıyordu.
Although there was no one working in the factory, the machines produced all kinds of chocolates that had aromas that they had not tasted before and looked like tinny figurines.
Fabrikada çalışan kimse olmadığı halde makinalar; daha önce karşılaşmadığı aromalara sahip ve biblo gibi görünen türlü türlü çikolatalar üretiyordu.
Ayça liked the book very much. In the end, she dreamed there, and she was muttering; “I wish I had such a life, I would work in such a factory.” She said it cordially. She had just left her house to hang out with her friends when she noticed the factory existed in front of their house. There was a charming smell around it, she could scarcely believe her eyes.
Ayça bu kitabı çok beğendi ve sonunda içten bir şekilde “Keşke benim de böyle bir hayatım olsa, böyle bir fabrikada çalışsam.” dedi. Tam hava almak için dışarı çıkıyordu ki, evlerinin önündeki fabrikayı gördü. Çok güzel kokular yayılıyordu etrafa, Ayça olanlara inanamıyordu.
Their house was so different from before. She went through her home with quick steps to tell her family what was happening there. Then, she saw her own reflection in the window of a house. Ayça, who was a curvaceous girl, was so slim. She thought her previous look was much prettier.
Evleri şimdi çok daha şirin bir haldeydi. Ailesine haber vermek için eve doğru koşmaya başladı. Sonra, bir evin camında kendi yansımasını gördü. Biraz kilolu olan Ayça şimdi çok zayıftı. Eskiden daha hoş göründüğünü düşündü.
Ayça was inside the book, and at first she couldn’t believe it. But then she realized that what had happened was neither a dream nor an imagination.
Ayça became one of the characters in the book, she was Charlie anymore, and she recalled the fact about the factory: it was mysterious too. She gravitated to the factory.
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Written by İremnur A.
(6th Grade, Ali Tekinsoy Ortaokulu)
Narrated by Gülnihal K.
(7th Grade, Emirmusa Ortaokulu, Samsun/Türkiye)
Illustrated by
Languages: Turkish, English
Teacher in Charge: Ahmet Arslan

Ayça lived with her mother Nurgül, her father Cemil and her brother Eren in an eye-catching tinny house. It has a garden too. Ayça was very beautiful, clever, and a curvaceous girl. She read her books whenever she had free time, and when she read, she loved dreaming about the stories.
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