There was once a boy called Ray, his dream was to have a pet Shadow Dragon but it was almost impossible to get or find one. Ray is an explorer and hopes one day he will find a Shadow Dragon. Today Ray is going to explore the most enchanted part of the woods to start his search. Ray looked for a Shadow Dragon for about 5 hours but still no sign of one, he put down a towel and laid down, but just as he started to doze off he got woken up by a dragon like noise. He looks up and sees a flock of Shadow
Dragons right above him. He gazes at this amazing sight, then feels a tug on his pants. He looks Down and couldn’t believe his eyes.............. IT WAS A BABY SHADOW Dragon. Ray picked it up and looked at it, then realized that it was a boy!!! "Hey there, wait what should I call you???" he thought for a moment and blurted out: "I know what I’ll call you," he said with excitement, "I’ll call you Lucifer." Lucifer squealed with excitement seeming to like the name. "You must be hungry," said Ray. Lucifer squealed again.
I suppose that means yes? he thought. "Why don’t we go to Ramsey’s pizzeria and for dessert get ice cream next door?" Lucifer squealed! Then what are we waiting for? Ray and Lucifer hoped in to their car and drove off. Then out of nowhere a tree fell down. Lucifer hid in Ray's lap. "It’s ok," he said. Lucifer poked his head out of Rays lap while Ray said, "look we made it safely to Ramsey’s pizzeria."
Inside, Ray and Lucifer made their very own pizzas. Ray had a pepperoni and cheese pizza and so did Lucifer. "Mmmmmm," said Ray this is so good.

"Squeal," said Lucifer. "Well now I know your favourite food. Shall we get some ice cream now?" asked Ray. "Squeal," said Lucifer.
"Hi there", said Jenna (the ice cream store worker). "Hi there," said Ray. "What flavour would you like?" asked Jenna.
"Cookies and cream for me and vanilla for my friend."
"Coming right up," said Jenna. She handed them the cookies and cream and vanilla.
"My my may I just say how lucky you are to have such a wonderful pet," said Jeanna.
"I guess," said Ray. "What’s wrong?" asked Jenna. "Well it’s just that Lucifer is... "Lucifer? That’s the best name ever!!!!" said Jenna. "Where did you find him?" asked Jenna.
"Uggggghhhhh," said Ray. "I was going to tell you but you interrupted me!!!" he said with an angry tone.
"Well sorry," said Jenna. "Anyways where did you find him?" asked Jenna
"I found him in the most enchanted part of the woods," said Ray.
"Ahhh," said Jenna listening closely. "Well thank you," said Jenna. "Now please get out of my store."
"Ok, bye," he said.
"Wait," said Jenna. "Yeah?" said Ray. "Can I borrow Lucifer?"
"No way," said Ray. "Come on Lucifer, let’s go he said. Lucifer ran to Ray but Jenna grabbed him by his tail. "Nooooooooo said Ray. Lucifer squealed in panic. "Hahahahaha," laughed Jenna. "Now I shall make my newest flavour of ice cream...
shadow cream!!!"
"Jenna, how could you?" demanded Ray.
"Well, I am the goddess of the under world - the creator of evil," said Jenna.
"You monster," shouted Ray.
"Hahahahaha," laughed Jenna.
"Now I shall turn you little midget into shadow cream," said Jenna.
Lucifer had a sense of anger in his eyes. Then he lifted his head
Then he lifted his head and blew a huge wave of purple fire right at Jenna. Then she started to crumble. Soon enough, she was nothing more than a pile of dust

"Wooohooo," said Ray. "Go Lucifer, go Lucifer, go Lucifer." Lucifer was jumping up and down and actually trying to fly - liking the song. "Go Lu." Ray stopped singing for a moment and Lucifer stopped jumping, "you want to learn how to fly, eh?"
Lucifer nodded. "Ok then lets go to my house, we can go to the backyard and I’ll teach you how to fly, does that sound good?" Lucifer nodded again. "Then let’s go. Ok Lucifer, time to learn how to fly.
"So, if you want to learn how to fly start by flapping your wings." Lucifer flapped his wings and started to lift off the ground. Just then he fell. "Got you!" said Ray. Let's try again, but still after 2 hours of practicing Lucifer still couldn’t fly. Let's try a different technique. So they practiced and practiced but Lucifer STILL couldn’t fly. "Come on buddy you can do it," said Ray.
So Lucifer tried again and finally he could fly. In fact, he could fly so high that he was nothing more than a black dot in the sky. Then Ray wondered how old Lucifer was? So he took Lucifer to the age-o-matic and saw that he was only one.
Months past before Lucifer turned two. "Happy birthday buddy," said Ray. "Squeal!" said Lucifer, wearing his black and purple birthday hat and eating his black and purple birthday cake slice. "Ok how about we go to the toy store to get you some toys for your birthday?", asked Ray.
Once they were inside, Ray told Lucifer that he could pick any toy he’d like. Lucifer ran all around the store before finally picking two toys, a flying saucer frisbee, and an octopus chew toy. They headed to the checkout. "Hello there," said Brad Chad (the toy store worker). "Hi," said Ray as he placed the two items on the counter. "Ahhhh, very good choices: the poisoned flying saucer frisbee, and the dynamite octopus," said Brad Chad. "What?!" said Ray. "Nothing," said Brad Chad.
"You just said something about a poisoned flying saucer frisbee and a dynamite octopus?" asked Ray. "Um, I don’t know what your talking about..." said Brad Chad. "You know very well what I’m talking about! I'm not as stupid as you think I am Mr Chad Brad!" shouted Ray. "It’s actually Brad Chad and you're right, I do know what you're talking about because I heard people saying that you had a Shadow Dragon," said Brad Chad. "I do have a Shadow Dragon but he means the world to me and I will never give him away!
"I just wanted to kill him that’s all," said Brad Chad. "Oh really, that’s all huh," said Ray. "Yes that’s all!!!!! " screamed Brad Chad, as his skin started to crumble revealing what he really was. "Oh my goodness," said Ray. "He’s really a Frost Dragon (a Shadow Dragon's worst enemy). "Oh no," said Ray. Lucifer was only two, how could he take on a thirty year old Frost Dragon? Then Lucifer made the loudest dragon like noise. Nothing happened at first but then sixteen Shadow Dragons came crashing through the roof of the toy shop.
Just then all the Shadow Dragons opened their mouths and blew a huge(and I mean huge) wave of purple fire at the Frost Dragon. In fact, the wave of fire was so big that the entire shop came crumbling down along with the Frost Dragon. All the Shadow Dragons flew away, except Lucifer. Then Ray ran up to Lucifer, picked him up and said: "You are a life saver Lucifer." "Squeal!" said Lucifer. "I love you to buddy," said Ray as they shared the biggest hug.
"Hhhhmmmmm," said Ray. "Where should I take you? it seems like nowhere is safe. He thought for a moment and then said: "I know. I’ll take you to my wizard friend Lucario!"
"Hi Lucario," said Ray. "Well hello there Ray," said Lucario. "Long time no see." "Yep," said Ray. "I like what you’ve done with the cave." "Thanks," said Lucario turning around. "Well, what’s your friend's name?" "Lucifer," said Ray. "Ahh Lucifer! What a great name for a shadow dragon."
"Thanks," said Ray.
"So why did you come here?" asked Lucario.
"Well, people keep trying to kill or steal Lucifer and I was wondering if you had a potion to make Lucifer grow to his full size?"
"Well, you're in luck because I do have a potion to make him grow," said Lucario excitedly.
"Can I have it please?" asked Ray.
"Of course you can! Here you go."
"Thank you."Alright Lucifer, I'm going to give you this to drink."
Ray fed him the potion and then Lucifer began to grow until he was a fully grown shadow dragon.
"Yay! Now you are big."
"Squeal!" said Lucifer. Except his squeal sounded much louder and more like a roar.
"May I just ask why you needed him to grow?"
"Well, now he can fight people who try to attack him."
"Oh, he'll need to be big when he fights me."
"What?" said Ray.
"You see, the real Lucario is dead and I'm not really him."
"If you are not Lucario, then who are you?"
The fake Lucario grew and grew until he was the size of a fully grown T-Rex. Except, this T-Rex was dead. It was a Skele-Rex! The most dangerous animal in the world.
"Come on Lucifer, let's fly," said Ray.
He jumped on Lucifer's back and Lucifer flew away - up to the top of the cave.
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There was once a boy called Ray, his dream was to have a pet Shadow Dragon but it was almost impossible to get or find one. Ray is an explorer and hopes one day he will find a Shadow Dragon. Today Ray is going to explore the most enchanted part of the woods to start his search. Ray looked for a Shadow Dragon for about 5 hours but still no sign of one, he put down a towel and laid down, but just as he started to doze off he got woken up by a dragon like noise. He looks up and sees a flock of Shadow
Dragons right above him. He gazes at this amazing sight, then feels a tug on his pants. He looks Down and couldn’t believe his eyes.............. IT WAS A BABY SHADOW Dragon. Ray picked it up and looked at it, then realized that it was a boy!!! "Hey there, wait what should I call you???" he thought for a moment and blurted out: "I know what I’ll call you," he said with excitement, "I’ll call you Lucifer." Lucifer squealed with excitement seeming to like the name. "You must be hungry," said Ray. Lucifer squealed again.
I suppose that means yes? he thought. "Why don’t we go to Ramsey’s pizzeria and for dessert get ice cream next door?" Lucifer squealed! Then what are we waiting for? Ray and Lucifer hoped in to their car and drove off. Then out of nowhere a tree fell down. Lucifer hid in Ray's lap. "It’s ok," he said. Lucifer poked his head out of Rays lap while Ray said, "look we made it safely to Ramsey’s pizzeria."
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