There were upon two special friends, really different each other, but vey united, Dante and Margherita. Dante is a cheerful and kind dog and Margherita is a sweet and curious hippo. Every night they meet each other in the river of the sea to look at the sky. The two friends have a dream, they would like to go to the Moon and explore it. One night meanwhile they are intent to observe the Moon, they realized that something had changed…
ICS "Di Nanni" di Grugliasco

"...the moon was getting smaller day by day. It even looked as if someone had eaten a slice of it.
After talking about it, the two friends decided to go and meet another friend, the scientific owl, who knew the answers to everything, and so try to understand the explanation for such a phenomenon.
The two of them set off and when they arrived at the tree house where Duffy, the scientific owl, lived, they explained what they had seen and asked him if he knew the reason why the moon was a little bit smaller.
Duffy, laughed heartily and went to fetch a ..."
Brasfemes kindergarten

...and went to get a telescope.
And with the telescope the three friends observed the Moon.
It looks so close, said Margherita. But Dante said it's the telescope that lets us see the moon better.
And their scientist friend Duffy explained that no one had ever eaten a piece of the moon.
The moon is all there after all, said Dante.
The owl explained to the two friends: the sun is only shining on part of the moon!
Margherita said "that's right" because the moon has no light it is the Sun which is a star that illuminates it.
The two went to bed and dreamed that they had gone to the Moon...
Loreto kindergarten

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There were upon two special friends, really different each other, but vey united, Dante and Margherita. Dante is a cheerful and kind dog and Margherita is a sweet and curious hippo. Every night they meet each other in the river of the sea to look at the sky. The two friends have a dream, they would like to go to the Moon and explore it. One night meanwhile they are intent to observe the Moon, they realized that something had changed…
ICS "Di Nanni" di Grugliasco

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