PROJECT – “Small Scientists Across Europe”
Erasmus+ 2017-1-FR01-KA219-037465_2
KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
KA219 - Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Pirmiausia pasaulyje buvo baltas rutulys. Tada Dievas sugalvojo visokiausias spalvas. Ir tada, pirmiausia jis nupiešė Dangų, Saulę ir Mėnulį. Kai Žemėje pasidarė šilta, jis sugalvojo nupiešti visokius augalus, dinozaurus, mamutus ir dramblius, ir dar beždžiones. Nupiešė ir daugiau visokių gyvūnų. Tada Dievas nupiešė akmens amžiaus žmones. Susigalvojo tie žmonės visokias kalbas, kad galėtų susikalbėti. Tada Dievas nupiešė jiems miestą. Tame mieste žmonės pradėjo statyti namus ir gyventi sau gražiai Žemėje.
Kauno lopšelis - darželis ,,Giliukas”

Firstly, there was a space with a white ball. And one day God created the colours. Using these colours, God has painted a Sky, a Sun and the Moon. From that day it started to get much warmer on the Earth. So God has painted many plants, dinosaurs, mammoths and elephants, and the monkeys as well. God painted many more animals to live on the Earth. When done all that, God has drawn a Stone age humans. These humans created many languages to be able to talk to each other. So God has painted a city for them. Since then, people started to build a houses in a city and to live happily ever after on the Earth.
Nursery - kindergarten ,,Giliukas’’ of Kaunas

Ükskord elas robot-poiss. Tema nimi oli Guk. Sellel poisil oli taskurätik. Kui ainult hakkas tuul puhuma, võttis ta oma taskurätiku taskust välja ning pani aasale, kus õitsesid aasalilled ja heintaimed. Kui taskurätik puudutas maad, siis kõik selle all liigutas ja sahises.
- „Miks läks pimedaks?“ - küsis Liblikas.
Ritsikas vastas: „Mingi imelik katus ilmus meie kohale.“
Elutark Sipelgas ütles: „Kuna me elame kõik ühe katuse all, siis peame kõik sõbraks saama!“
Elutark Sipelgas palus kõigil tööle hakata: „Röövik, palun roni katuse servale ja mõõda see ära. Siis saame teada, kui suur see on. Jaaniuss, palun, näita siia
valgust. Mesilane, palun, lehvita tiibu, et saada rohkem õhku. Ja siis ma uurin, kust see katus ilmus.“ Ja nii algaski töö taskurätiku all. Taskurätik laperdas ja paisus üles.
Röövik ronis ja ronis, et mõõta ära kõik neli taskurätiku külge.
Elutark Siplegas tuli tagasi ja ütles: “Rohul lamab robot-poiss. Katus meie kohal on tema rätik. Järsku muutus jälle kergemaks, kuna katus kadus. Guk võttis oma taskurätiku ja läks koju.
Nii Sipelgas, Röövik, Mesilane, kui ka Liblikas, kes olid ühe katuse all, ronisid ja lendasid ära tagasi oma kodudesse.
Falta nom

Once upon a time there was a robot-boy. His name was Hooke. This robot-boy had a handkerchief. Once the wind took the handkerchief away to a meadow, where wild flowers and herbs were growing. The handkerchief touched down the land, and under it everything began to stir, move and rustle.
-Why did it get dark? – Butterfly asked. Grasshopper answered- Something like roof has been appeared above us. Wise Ant said- While all of us are under one roof, we need to make friends. Wise Ant asked for everyone to work- “Caterpillar, please, crawl along the edge of the roof and measure it to find out how big it is. Glowworm, please, light here. Bee, please, wave your wings to get more air. And I'll investigate, where has this roof appeared from.”
And the work has begun under the handkerchief. The handkerchief was slatting, and swelling out.
Caterpillar crawled along the edges to measure all four sides of the handkerchief.
Wise Ant came back and he told – “A robot-boy was lying on the grass. The roof above us is his trick.”
Suddenly it got light again since the roof disappeared. Hooke took his handkerchief and went home.
And Ant, Caterpillar, Bee and Butterfly who were under one roof were crawling and fluttering away in different directions to their homes.
Falta nome

And the work has begun under the handkerchief. The handkerchief was slatting, and swelling out.
Caterpillar crawled along the edges to measure all four sides of the handkerchief.
Wise Ant came back and he told – “A robot-boy was lying on the grass. The roof above us is his trick.”
Suddenly it got light again since the roof disappeared. Hooke took his handkerchief and went home.
And Ant, Caterpillar, Bee and Butterfly who were under one roof were crawling and fluttering away in different directions to their homes.
Falta nome

Röövik ronis ja ronis, et mõõta ära kõik neli taskurätiku külge.
Elutark Siplegas tuli tagasi ja ütles: “Rohul lamab robot-poiss. Katus meie kohal on tema rätik. Järsku muutus jälle kergemaks, kuna katus kadus. Guk võttis oma taskurätiku ja läks koju.
Nii Sipelgas, Röövik, Mesilane, kui ka Liblikas, kes olid ühe katuse all, ronisid ja lendasid ära tagasi oma kodudesse.
Falta nome

A nossa história passou-se no Oceano Índico, neste oceano, vivem muitas espécies de peixes coloridos e também existem recifes de coral e florestas de mangal. Há alguns anos, começou a aparecer muito lixo neste oceano: sacos de plástico, embalagens de plástico e de metal, garrafas e frascos de vidro, papel, cartão e jornais. A água ficou suja e com falta de oxigénio, alguns peixes ficavam presos no lixo e nos plásticos, outros comiam-nos e ficavam doentes, às vezes cortavam-se nos vidros e ficavam feridos e às vezes morriam!
Um dia, dois meninos, o António e o Santiago, foram mergulhar no Oceano Índico, ficaram muito tristes porque viram o mar todo sujo e os recifes todos estragados, as plantas partidas, os corais e os peixes doentes, com falta de ar e feridos, tiveram muita pena deles! Então, apareceram dois peixes que conversaram com os meninos.
-“Olá meninos! – Cumprimentaram, depois apresentaram-se:
-“Eu sou o Peixe Arqueiro”;

-“Eu sou o Peixe Unicórnio”.
“-Olá peixes! - Responderam os meninos e também se apresentaram:
-“Eu sou o António”,
-“Eu sou o Santiago”;
-“Vocês precisam de ajuda?”- Perguntaram.
-”Sim!- responderam os peixes.
-“Queremos limpar a nossa “casa”, está muito suja e cheia de lixo perigoso que faz mal aos peixes, aos corais e aos mangais - disse o Peixe Arqueiro.
“- Muitos animais marinhos estão todos a ficar doentes e feridos e alguns já morreram - acrescentou o Peixe Unicórnio.
-“Nós vamos ajudar-vos! - Disseram os meninos.
-“Vamos pedir ajuda ao cientista Hooke, ele sabe muitas coisas sobre o Planeta Terra e é amigo do Ambiente, tem um barco muito grande com muitas pessoas que nos podem ajudar
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PROJECT – “Small Scientists Across Europe”
Erasmus+ 2017-1-FR01-KA219-037465_2
KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
KA219 - Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

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