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Hello there! My name is Earth
and I'm going to tell you a story
about how I got here. It's a very
fun story about different planets
and stars and how all of this
matter floating in space came
together to make our solar
Let's start from the beginning.

Everything started with
a small, infinitely dense,
ball of energy. This took
place at an estimated
date of 13.7 billion years

This ball of energy expanded in
every direction, making the
universe we know today.

After the big bang, pure energy turned into
matter and began to start the chain
reaction that would make everything that
we see around us.

After all the commotion and
confusion in the many years after
the big bang, stars began to form.
Those stars would explode and
make the different elements that
make up the planets in our solar

Now that I told you about the big
bang, let me tell you the theory
about how our solar system was

It is estimated that our solar system began 4.6
billion years ago. Scientists believe that our solar
system was created after our sun formed, and the
excess gas and matter that was left started to swirl
around the sun and make planets. A theory suggest
that a trigger, such as a shock wave from a super
nova explosion, started a chain reaction that would
begin the formation of our sun and the swirling of
the matter in our solar system. The swirling matter
would then create the planets we know and love.

The star in the middle of our solar system is called
the sun. All other planets in our solar system orbit
it. The sun is made of hot plasma which is the
nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. Our sun
was made when hot gases at the center of a
molecular cloud started to pull towards each
other with the forces of gravity. The sun has 5
layers and it has a magnetic field.

The four inner planets all formed
around the same time out of rocky
matter that was as hot as 2000K,
while in the outer solar system, it
was a cool as 50K. Only matter
with a very high melting point
would have remained solid in the
inner solar system. The rest would
have vaporized. The outer planets
are made up of light gases and
liquids that are in a gaseous state.

This is Mercury, it is the closest planet to the sun
and the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury
has a large iron core and a small upper mantel. Its
atmosphere is made up of atoms that are blasted
off the surface by solar wind from the sun.
Scientists think the reason why Mercury doesn't
have any more layers is because they were stripped
away by a collision with another planet or not
allowed to form because of how close it is to the

The next planet in our solar system is named Venus.
Venus is close in size to me and has an iron core. It has
a thick atmosphere that is 90 times as dense as my
atmosphere. Venus is the hottest planet with a surface
temperature that is 752F. Venus has lots of volcanoes
that allow it to keep its atmosphere even though it's so
close to the sun.

Next up is me. I am Earth. I'm the third planet from
the sun and the densest of the four inner rocky
planets. I am 1AU from the sun and I am the only
known planet to have life. I formed about 4.5 billion
years ago and life appeared on my surface about 1
billion years after my formation.

I have several tectonic plates and
I am the only known planet to
have tectonic movement. My
diverse biosphere makes many
forms of life possible and I will be
a habitable for what scientists
believe to be the next 500 million
years to 2.5 billion years. The
formation of my moon is still
debated. One widely accepted
idea is that a planet 1/10th the
size of me collided with me and
shot matter into space that turned
into my moon.

Up next, we have my good friend Mars. Mars also goes
by the name "the red planet" because of the red color
is has from iron oxide, rust, on its surface. Mars has
two moons that orbit it and icy poles that were believed
to harbor simple lifeforms once. Mars's core is no
longer molten, like mine, which means it has no
magnetic field to protect is from the solar wind, which
can strip a planet of its atmosphere.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Hello there! My name is Earth
and I'm going to tell you a story
about how I got here. It's a very
fun story about different planets
and stars and how all of this
matter floating in space came
together to make our solar
Let's start from the beginning.

Everything started with
a small, infinitely dense,
ball of energy. This took
place at an estimated
date of 13.7 billion years

This ball of energy expanded in
every direction, making the
universe we know today.

After the big bang, pure energy turned into
matter and began to start the chain
reaction that would make everything that
we see around us.

After all the commotion and
confusion in the many years after
the big bang, stars began to form.
Those stars would explode and
make the different elements that
make up the planets in our solar

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