This is a project about the types of generations and their characteristics, the types of communication, their important facts and their famous people.

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946 and 1964.
People born in this year are between 75 and 57 years old.

Lived in the development of the digital age, but it is still a challenge.
He prefers to communicate personally or also communicate by cell phone.

They are analog, but technology is adapting to them.
Work, responsibility and respect are its fundamental values.

Famous baby boomers:
Brad Pitt
Helena Christensen
Denzel Washington

This generation also completely changed popular music and made it part of a counterculture. It was the generation of rock, of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, of psychedelia and hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD. His influence on music continues to this day. They are not digital natives, but many have adapted to new technologies, surf the Internet without problems, and most connect to social networks.

Generation X

Born between 1965 and 1979.
People who are between 35 to 48 years of age.

The people of Generation “X” underwent great changes. His life in childhood was similar to that of the Baby Boomer generation and when he changed to digital in his maturity, he is the generation of the internet, technology and connectivity, it is difficult for him to completely detach himself from the organizational cultures of the previous generation. , constitutes the transition generation.

Generation x people their preferred method of communication is email.
They expect immediate response by whatever means

One of the important events of this generation is the fall of the berlin wall and the moile era begins.

Celebrities who were born in generation x:
Leonardo Dicaprio
Robert Redford
Harrison ford


Millennial people born between the years 1980 to 1999.
These people are between 15 to 34 years old.

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This is a project about the types of generations and their characteristics, the types of communication, their important facts and their famous people.

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946 and 1964.
People born in this year are between 75 and 57 years old.

Lived in the development of the digital age, but it is still a challenge.
He prefers to communicate personally or also communicate by cell phone.

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