I have always believed in destiny, I have always thought that life speaks to us loud and clear to give us the clues that let us know what is right and what is not. Never let yourself be carried away by the laziness of sad days. Never let down before the storm when you see the horizon coming with its threatening darkness.

*They like formal and face-to-face communications, by phone or mail
*Because of their age they have a high purchasing power
*They are analog but technology is adapting to them
*Work, responsibility and respect are its fundamental values

Baby boomers, those born between 1956-1964 approximately, before them we are the silent generation but we will not focus on them since they tend to respond to a very traditional type of advertising.

Above all, it must be borne in mind that they are mainly analog, therefore, they do not represent an attractive percentage in the digital market a priori. However, those who are committed to digital transformation are adapting to them, since technology and the increase in their quality of life compared to generations past their age have contributed to the boomers living a second youth.
How the 'baby boomer' generation saved the world

1946: Nacen los primeros boomers; se publica el libro The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care del Dr. Spock
1952: Primera edición de la revista Mad
1964: Nacen los últimos baby boomers
1966: La revista Time elige a los estadounidenses "de 25 años o menos" como el "Hombre del año"
1969: Woodstock
1970: Primer uso publicado del término "baby boomer"
1975: Aparecen las Pet Rocks
1976: Tom Wolfe inventa la frase "The Me Decade" ("La década del Yo")
1983: Se estrena la película "The Big Chill"
1987: Hace su debut el drama televisivo Thirtysomething
1992: Elección de Bill Clinton, el primer presidente nacido en la posguerra
1994: Se une de nuevo el grupo The Eagles
2000: Las ventas de las minivans alcanzan su punto más alto en EE.UU.
2011: Los boomers mayores cumplen 65 años.

*Analog childhood, technological adaptation in his professional life
*Belated parents, multitasking, always in a hurry and working
*They use mobile phones and social networks but are not very dependent

Next, we find generation X (1965-1979). They are the so-called digital immigrants, since they had an analog childhood and youth, but had to adapt to technology. A long-term study conducted by the University of Michigan in 2011 identified them as "active in their communities, mostly satisfied with their jobs, and able to balance work, family, and play."
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I have always believed in destiny, I have always thought that life speaks to us loud and clear to give us the clues that let us know what is right and what is not. Never let yourself be carried away by the laziness of sad days. Never let down before the storm when you see the horizon coming with its threatening darkness.

*They like formal and face-to-face communications, by phone or mail
*Because of their age they have a high purchasing power
*They are analog but technology is adapting to them
*Work, responsibility and respect are its fundamental values

Baby boomers, those born between 1956-1964 approximately, before them we are the silent generation but we will not focus on them since they tend to respond to a very traditional type of advertising.
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